The little girls have been dying to have a sleepover for a while and I must admit that we have tried it a few times before and it's just not my favorite thing. They are getting older, though, so we tried it again this weekend and they did GREAT this time!! We had 3 friends over and all 5 of them enjoyed pizza, playing outside, ice cream sudaes, a movie and at about 12:15, they FINALLY went to sleep!! Allie's 2 friend's moms said that they had the risk of being homesick and wanting to go home, but both of them were fine and stayed all night! Here are some pics of the fun!
We had a great time camping this weekend out by Mineral Wells. THANKS to Opa and Nan for letting us use their RV!! I think RV camping is sort of like "cheating" when it comes to camping, but it sure is fun! :)