Today is the first day of our long awaited Florida/Disney Cruise trip. The girls have only been waiting since Christmas, but Jason and I have known about this plan since September and we have all been SOOO excited!! We picked up the girls from school, rushed to the airport after school and ended up making it in plenty of time. Jason left his phone in the car and I left my wallet on the counter at home, so we were a little frazzled when we got there! I was SO mad at myself for leaving my wallet because I had spent so much time planning this trip and getting all the details in order and that was definitely an important detail!! Jason had his credit cards and debit card, so we were able to find an ATM to get more cash and it all worked out fine. Our flight was uneventful, thankfully, and we arrived in Orlando at about 8:15pm. We rented a car and started the drive to the hotel. After stopping at Olive Garden for dinner, we located the Nickelodeon hotel where we had reservations. Adysen and Allie both love Nickelodeon but Adysen is a HUGE Spongebob fan, so she was seriously excited!! We paid a little more to get a Spongebob room and he and Patrick were on the walls which thrilled her, of course. We were up late, but plan to have a good nights sleep and a really fun day tomorrow!!

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