Kelsey just finished up a driver's ed course which met EVERY day Mon-Thurs. from 4:30-6:30 for FOUR weeks! We are very glad that is over. Now she will schedule some "drive times" and get some more practice and when Februrary rolls around, she can get her license. She had her permit from Guam for almost 6 months when we moved back, but when we had it switched over, they started the "time line" over again, so she has to wait 6 more months. It will give her more practice time which is a good thing, but she is really ready to get her license! School is very time consuming for her. She is taking 2 AP classes and also has to have a Physics class which has already been very challenging. We could use your prayers over her school year for sure!
Adysen and Allie are still enjoying school and they are both taking gymnastics and playing soccer. Although it keeps us busy running around after school, they love them both. Most of our Saturdays are spent running back and forth to the soccer field as they rarely ever have games at the same time or even close to the same time. I haven't taken my camera to a game yet, but I'm sure I'll do that soon.
Maddox is still adjusting well to the family. He has had some challenging stomach issues, but we are working on those and they have improved. He still amazes us with how smart he is. I took this picture Saturday night. We had movie night and the girls sat on the floor with a bowl of popcorn. Of course, he ran over all excited when he smelled it and coudln't wait to have a bite. I said "Maddox, NO!" one time and he laid down and watched the girls eat it for the rest of the movie! Amazing!!

Kelsey and I had fun doing a little shopping and deocrating for Fall last night. We missed the changes of seasons SO much in Guam and have really been looking forward to Fall this year, so that made it especially fun for us!

Of course, we had such gorgeous Fall weather last week and now it's back to feeling like summer again, but oh well.... it will get here eventually!!!! :) HAPPY FALL!!!!
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